Optimizing ventilation in medium- and short-term mine …
Mine planners utilize production schedules to determine when activities should be executed, e.g., blocks of ore should be extracted; a medium-term schedule maximizes net present value associated with activity execution while a short-term schedule reacts to unforeseen events. Both types of schedules conform to spatial precedence and …

Refrigeration and ventilation systems for ultra-deep …
ing approaches for mine refrigeration systems and particularly has made ice more attractive at lesser depths. The Impala Platinum resource boundary extends to a depth of 2350m in rock temperature of 75°C. Similarly, the Anglo Platinum resource Refrigeration and ventilation systems for ultra-deep platinum mining in

Kambalda Gold Mine
Primary ventilation and electrical solutions for underground Gold Mine. This gold mine was originally discovered in 1980 and is located approximately 80km south of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, in Kambalda. The mine comprises several open-pit and underground operations, with ongoing exploration indicating potential for an extended Life Of Mine ...

Mine Ventilation Systems
Mine Ventilation Systems Practical Mine Ventilation Engineering to be Published by Intertec Puslishing Co. Ventilation is the control of air movement, its amount, and direction. Although it contributes noth - ing directly to the production phase of an operation, the lack of proper ventilation often will cause

Three strategies for ventilation control in underground mines
Adding control strategies to an underground mine ventilation system is a viable solution for reducing operating costs, providing additional insight into the system and increasing health and safety benefits by eliminating hazardous contaminants and knowing where personnel are located using telemetry.

Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa. Managing the Basics Conference. February 2003, CSIR Pretoria 1 IMPORTANT BASICS OF MINE VENTILATION AND COOLING PLANNING Dr. Steven Bluhm Bluhm Burton Engineering Pty Ltd Mr. Frank von Glehn Bluhm Burton Engineering Pty Ltd Mr. Harry Smit Impala Platinum Ltd Mine Ventilation …

Mining Safety: A Comprehensive Guide | SafetyCulture
The first step to creating a fool-proof mine safety system is knowing these hazards and their gravity. Cave-ins and Roof Falls – In underground mining, large hollow pits, rooms, and tunnels are created to remove rock and dirt before conveying people and equipment. It is a serious concern because the structure could collapse, trapping the ...

Evaluation of Security of Mine Ventilation Systems
The evaluation index system of the security of a mine ventilation system was studied, and the security was described quantitatively in the safety degree. A mine ventilation system has a deterministic function for the safety of coal production and for the control of mine accidents. So, it has an important meaning to evaluate the security of a mine …

Mine Security, Monitoring and Access Control
Video and imaging management systems; Intrusion detection; Access control; Integration with other systems, such as fire and emergency; The focused approach to security, process monitoring and access control strips away layers of complexity to integrate multiple systems in a mine environment and achieve enterprise-wide facilities management.

A Review of Primary Mine Ventilation System Optimization
This paper presents a review of the results of a series of recent research studies that have explored the use of mathematical methods to determine the optimum design of primary mine ventilation systems relative to fan power costs. Previous. Back to Top. Within the mining industry, a safe and economical mine ventilation system is an …

The design of cooling systems for mining at a depth of …
The design of cooling systems for mining at a depth of 4 000 m R.E.Gundersen Bluhm Burton Engineering L.J.de Villiers Driefontein Gold Mine, Gold Fields Limited Dr.J.J.L.du Plessis Gold Fields Limited ABSTRACT: This paper presents an overview of the design of the ventilation, cooling and refrigeration re-

Underground Ventilation Systems | Minetek
Our innovative Performance on Demand (POD) and Mine Air Control (MAC) system will enable you to synchronise the Bulkhead Fans so they work in unison to create the ideal airflow for your …

Study of Coal Mine Ventilation System Optimization based …
The software has also been used to optimise and analyse the ventilation system in the Redeemer [29] and Bronzewing Gold Mines [30] in Australia, the Majiagou mine in China [31], the Western-Razmja ...

The design of push-pull primary and secondary …
The existing mine ventilation system was already at capacity (220 m 3 /s) due to a combination of the limitations of the intake ramp (29.4 m 2 ), the small size of the sole

The current risk management and assessment systems being used in the South African mining industry prove not to be adequate to stop people from losing lives underground. What is missing from the currently used systems is a comprehensive and integrated

Health and Safety Risk Mitigation among Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold
1. Introduction. Mining is a hazardous occupation, accounting for 1% of the global workforce and 8% of fatal occupational accidents, with more people employed in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) than large-scale mining (LSM) [].In Zimbabwe, the zero-harm policy [] targets the formal sector, which includes LSM and excludes the …

Laos PDR Gold and Copper Mine – Primary Ventilation Fans
Primary ventilation solution to support the Sepon underground mine operations. Our client operates one of the largest Gold and Copper Mines in Laos PDR, located in the Savannakhet Province. To enhance the mine's ventilation system, the client required a comprehensive solution that included surface-mounted primary fans and advanced …

Optimising Underground Mine Ventilation: Incremental Ventilation …
This incremental approach to ventilation on demand is proving to be easier to implement than a whole-of-mine ventilation-on-demand system and is applicable to smaller underground mining operations. IVOD drives significant energy and cost savings; as these savings are realised by the operator they can be used to expand ventilation-on-demand ...

Going Deeper: Mine Security
Video surveillance in mine security. Security requirements differ by the mine type. Open-pit mines are based on authority and risk levels and put emphasis on access control, while underground mines — …

Prestea Gold Mine | Mine Ventilation System Design
Our ventilation analysis also indicated fan operating points needed at various stages in the mine cycle plus other ventilation modifications to enhance the system. We proposed initially installing an interim booster fan to push air up from 24 Level to the main exhaust shaft and later replacing the main surface fans with a single, larger exhaust ...

Handbook on Mine Occupational Hygiene …
prepared by Sub-Committees of the Gold Producers' Committee of the Transvaal Chamber of Mines for adoption by the gold mines and members of the Chamber. The Committee responsible for the content of the 1965 handbook comprised of Messrs. J.H. Quilliam (Chamber), D.G. Beadle (Corner House Laboratories), J.A. Drummond (Union

5 key innovations in mining ventilation
Ventilation on demand. Ventilation on Demand (VOD) systems have become popular solutions for more efficient ventilation, with companies including Bestech, ABB and Simsmart offering variations of …

Underground Ventilation Systems | Minetek
The ability to integrate with all mining Ventilation On Demand (VOD) and mine communication systems creates a seamless, responsive solution. This optimises performance, reduces power consumption costs, and increases overall operational efficiency. At Minetek, we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve sustainable …

The Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa
Heat stress management on surface operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 ... Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, April/June 2020 5. ABSTRACT Currently rock temperatures (VRT) for new under- ... Mponeng Gold mine, which is already the deepest mine in the world, is planning to extend operations by an additional ...

As mines progress deeper, there is a constant need for the upgrading of the ventilation systems. Significant past work has been carried out on the effects of ventilation and cooling in the mines.

Experimental analysis on dynamic performance of refrigeration systems
The thermal management system of deep mines is a complex and huge topology network. The change of a certain operating condition will cause an unpredictable behavior of system, which aggravates the control difficulty. This paper proposes a thermal management system for the deep gold mine, which fully utilizes the existing cycle air …

Application of ventilation management programs for …
The purpose of ventilation management systems is to ensure the health and safety of underground workers by creating and incorporating structured plans, procedures and processes on the day-to-day operations of the mine ventilation system. The application of ventilation management programs consists of audit, verification, and …

Sustainable Underground Ventilation for Agnew Gold Mine …
Sustainable Ventilation Solution. Agnew Gold Mine favoured a low energy, high volume ventilation solution with low energy consumption. Minetek's Primary Fans required energy output of 1,100kW / 1,000 V and a flow rate of 280 m³/sec – 350 m³/sec at a pressure of 3,700 Pa – 4,200 Pa meeting both current and future production and …

Maximising Mine Ventilation Efficiency | Minetek
Extend mine efficiency further with Minetek louvres. Designed to further maximise airflow efficiency throughout the entire mine, Minetek's Underground Ventilation Louvres are a cost-effective solution able to be used in conjunction with primary fan, secondary/auxiliary fan, booster/intake fan, bulkhead, multiple heading ventilation and …
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